
What We Did Last Summer
Looking back at what we did over the summer, we did some good works. More accurately, we created the opportunity for a bunch of folks to do good works. And the works worked! Last spring we were approached by the Fairfax Festival to do booking and sound production for the Redwood Stage, one of three live music stages. But the but of all buts, there was no money to pay the musicians. So we rolled up our sleeves and organized a fantastic benefit concert at Peri’s in San Rafael. As you can see, all that sleeve rolling, made Phil quite hungry…
Also, we launched a GoFundMe campaign. And thanks to a truly communal effort, a grand total of 71 big-hearted music-loving souls along with a brilliantly talented music community, we achieved our goal (plus a little left over for next year).

Fairfax Festival 2023
This year’s Redwood Stage featured 10 extraordinary acts over two days. One of the best parts was actually being able to pay them. And so you see, in fact, some news is good news after all. Very good news indeed. Darren Nelson (aka eyeballjames.weebly.com) contributed this gorgeous artwork, with the legendary Big Brother and the Holding Company headlining! Thank you, donors and musicians; thank you, music gods; thank you, Gentle Reader, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Website Up and Running!
No news is good news. That’s what my mom always said.
But here’s some pretty good new news—we have the website up and rolling, and here you are, hanging out with us and reading as if we were the best of friends. It was quite the process, but at least we can thank our good buddy, Lisa Winter (lisawinterdesign.com), for helping push us over the finish line, gasping for air, like a trawled carp in a rowboat. Thank you, Lisa (sputter). And perhaps best of all, we have nothing to sell (yet). It’s a good feeling for once not to be constantly hawking something. We are free, free of trying to hook our visitors and reel them in like the aforementioned carp.